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Pride PechaKucha Night
15. september 2023 @ 17:00 - 19:00
Hendelse Navigasjon
Entrance: Free and open for everyone.
Donations towards the cause are welcomed.
Vitenparken has the pleasure of inviting you to an exciting event filled with interesting ideas and stories told by queer individuals at our Pecha Kucha on the 15.September, 17:00 – 19:00.
Join us and listen to passionate queer people share personal presentations in an entertaining storytelling format. The restaurant will be open. This is the perfect after work activity or pregame before the Pride event at Samfunnet later that evening.
What is PechaKucha?
Pecha Kucha is a Japanese presentation format where a presenter has 20 seconds x 20 slides to cover the topic, making an overall presentation no longer than six minutes and 40 seconds.